OCTOBER EDITABLE – Hide and Seek 12 Different Sight Word Sets
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Editable Sight Word Fun? Yes Please!
October Sight Word Hide and Seek is the perfect answer! You choose the words to make your own differentiated lists!

You can save 25% versus buying each month individually if you’d like to take advantage of the bundled Hide and Seek Bundle –
Editable Sight Word Edition.

If you are tired of making due with sight word games that don’t fit your word lists or can’t be easily differentiated, then this is the set for you. With this simple sight word game, you can easily enter your own, differentiated sight word lists to create up to 12 leveled sets of Hide and Seek games. Use these games for sight words or any word lists (CVC, CVCe, Digraph . . .) where your students need practice reading.

If you’d like to see how I use this product in my classroom, check out my blog post: Throw Away Those Paper/Pencil Assessments!.

Hide and Seek games have been a standard part of both my Math and ELA stations for as long as I can remember. They are highly engaging, easily differentiated, can be adapted to many skills and my students NEVER get tired of them. Once your students learn this game, it will quickly become a favorite, independent activity that reinforces essential skills..

This Editable Sight Word Edition will allow you to program the playing pieces to fit your individual needs. Likewise, I have included enough color options that you can easily differentiate this activity by formatting different lists on different colors. So for instance, I have 11 lists of 20 words. I will program my yellow pieces with my first list of sight words, my teal pieces with list 2 and so on. So when my students choose to use this activity, they select the set of playing pieces that are at their ‘level.’ If they pass that level of words, they simply move to the next set of words. I have included an editable reference list and labels which will help in organizing these playing pieces.

To play:
This activity can be played on a table top, in a small pocket chart like the ones you find at the Dollar Spot at Target or in a larger, traditional-sized pocket chart if you are using many numbers. Place a set of cards in the pocket chart. One student takes the small hiding piece (or pieces if you choose to use more than one playing card) and places it behind one of the sight word cards while the other students turn their backs and hide their eyes. Once the card is hidden, students can then turn back and take turns indicating which card they believe the playing piece is hidden behind by reading the sight word. It is not enough just to point, they must read the card. If they find the hiding piece behind the card they identified, they get to hide it next. If they guess incorrectly, it becomes someone else’s turn.

I hope you enjoy this game. If you have any questions, suggestions or requests, please feel free to contact me directly at differentiatedkindergarten@gmail.com.

If you’d like to see more EDITABLE sight word products, please check out my entire list of EDIT IT activities.
Edit It Color By Sight Word
Edit It Sight Word Activities and Games
Edit It Mystery Color By Sight Word


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