Spinner Letters and Sounds Fun December-Differentiated and Aligned Printables
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Total Pages: 79 File Size: 101 MB PREVIEW


****Please check the preview of this packet to get a good idea of the types of activities included in this packet.***

This packet contains printables and activities for alphabetic awareness and spinner fun. Spinners are a great motivator for students, because they provide a sense of play and fun and are kinesthetic. Because these spinner activities are all differentiated and aligned, you are sure to meet the readiness levels, learning profiles and interests of all your students. And here’s the best part, it’s an independent station that will keep them working and engaged.

If you’d like to see more on how I do this just check out my blog post:
A New Spin on Differentiated Instruction

In this 79 page packet, you will find the following items:

4 Capital Letter Spinners (in color or black/white)
4 Lowercase Letter Spinners (in color or black/white)
4 Letter Sound Spinners (in color or black/white)
Instructional/Visual Task Cards for each activity for greater student independence (in color or black/white)
4 Different Spin-it, Say-it, Trace-it for capital letter activities
4 Different Spin-it, Say-it, Trace-it for lowercase letters activities
1 Spin-it, Say-it, What Comes Next? Activity (in color or black/white)
4 Spin and Graph activities-capital (in color or black/white)
4 Spin and Graph activities-lowercase (in color or black/ white)
4 Spin and Color by capital letters (in black/ white)
4 Spin and Color by lowercase letters (in black/white)
4 Spin-it, Say-it, Decorate the Ornament activities for capital, lowercase and sounds (in black/white)

Activities are organized by spinner mat.
Letters Used In Mat 1: s n r a t m c p
Letters Used in Mat 2: d g f k i l h b k
Letters Used in Mat 3: w x v j o z y e
Letters Used in Mat 4: q s u h k e p a

You can also check out these companion pieces for other December spinner packets:
Spinner Math Fun Galore for December Differentiated and Aligned
Spinner Rhyming Fun December-Differentiated/Aligned Printables and Activities

or all the other spinner packets in my store at:
Spinner Fun Galore Packets

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this product, please contact me directly at differentiatedkindergarten@gmail.com

Thanks for your purchase.
A Differentiated Kindergarten



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