Differentiated Math Can Be SPOOKY FUN!
It’s no secret I love to teach kinders math. Maybe it’s because I feel like I can actually see kids loving math or maybe it’s because it’s just so darn fun. I love providing activities that can appeal to all the different intelligences in my classroom. It’s a challenge and, admittably, I am not always successful . . . but when I am, I know it my the smiles, enthusiasm and laughter that is deafening (remember I have 26 kinders–it can get loud) during stations.
While I don’t hit them all out of the park . . . here are a couple of fun ones that I got ‘thumbs ups’ for this week.
Spider Bite!!!! This is actually game that my 8 year old created with his two little brothers (4 and 6). When I first started following blogs, Heidi Samuelson, of Swamp Frog First Grade was one of the first I discovered and loved. On her blog, she introduced me to a great little game called Poison Dart Frogs. I immediately introduced it to my then 7 year old and 3 and 5 year old. They LOVED it and still play it often. The gist of it is that you have these frogs and on your turn you can choose 3, 2 or 1 frog, but you do not want to be the person that ends up having to take the LAST frog as that is the poison one and as a result . . . you lose.
So my son says, what if we take spiders instead and write numbers on their back. The rules are basically the same. You can 3, 2 or 1 but you have to be able to say the number or you can keep it and have to put it back. The person stuck with the last spider gets the spider bite (they don’t need to identify the last spider as it’s already bitten them) and then everyone else counts up their spiders to see who has the most. I threw out a number line for those who needed a little scaffolding which allowed even my most struggling kinders to be successful. My kinders LOVE it. So much I created an alphabet/Dolch List 1 freebie version (Poison Spiders) to go with it. This one is a printable version you can get over at Freebielicious.
Other favorites this week . . .
Spooky Ten Frames Building Fun.
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Marsha Moffit McGuire
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