Kadinsky’s Earth Arbor Day

It’s not the most lengthy post but I wanted to briefly give you a glance of what my class has been working on for Earth Day  I mean Arbor Day  or we’ll call it Earth Arbor Day.

Each year we are asked to have out class make submissions of somekind of drawing or painting of trees for Arbor Day, and each year I am left without any kind of GREAT or INSPIRATIONAL art activity for my kinder artists to submit. 

However, this year, reflecting on my love of Kadinsky’s circles and a Pinterest inspired visual that ultimately came from Runde’s Room Blogspot.  She actually teaches a 5/6th split class. Significantly different from kindergarten granted, but I thought we were up to the challenge and we could turn the project up a notch with her class’ inspiration.

I started by having my little artists cover a piece of cardboard otherwise thrown away by a local manufacturing company using strips of paper and modge podge. 

Believe it or not . . . it wasn’t a totally horrible experience.  I actually kind of like whole group art projects because my class is unbelievably good (I say that as quietly as possible as not to jinx myself) about following directions.

After it dried, we paintd the bottom 1/2 with tempera paint and some different shades of green for the land of couse.  And the different shades of brown were painted for the base of the tree.

Now came the fun part of doing the leaves, Kadinsky-Kinder style.
What do you think?  Not bad for kinders are they.  I love them so much, I’m reluctant to give them up, let alone submit them for the Arbor Day contest.  Is that selfish of me?

Marsha Moffit McGuire

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