Independent – Self-Correcting CVCe Practice
I Can Do It Myself is a self-correcting, independent card station that allows your students to work independently, practice basic skills and check their work without teacher direction or intervention. This unique design is PERFECT for practicing CVCe and CCVCe production and reading. Depending on your printer needs, this product provides you a color and B/W version. I have also added a few BONUS printable response sheets so you can check your students for understanding or accountability. Use these sheets after your students have had plenty of time to practice with the cards.
This packet is differentiated to meet the readiness levels of your students so you never have to worry about it being too difficult or too easy. You can be confident that you can challenge your students at their level of readiness. This is accomplished by offering two different levels of ‘silent e’ production playing cards and two different levels of ‘silent e’ reading playing cards. You choose the cards that best fits your students’ readiness level.
This packet is aligned to CCSS:
RF.1.2a Distinguish long from short vowel sounds in spoken single-syllable words.
RF.1.3c Know final -e and common vowel team conventions for representing long vowel sounds
Included in this packet
Word Production Work Mat (color)
Word Production Work Mat (black/white)
2 – I Can posters to accompany activities (color)
2 – I Can posters to accompany activities (black/white)
43 – CVCe Self-Correcting Word Production Cards (color)
43 – CVCe Self-Correcting Word Production Cards (black/white)
19 – CCVCe Self-correcting Word Production Cards (color)
19 – CCVCe Self-correcting Word Production Cards (black/white)
43 – CVCe Self-Correcting Reading Cards (color)
43 – CVCe Self-Correcting Reading Cards (black/white)
19 – CCVCe Self-Correcting Reading Cards (color)
19 – CCVCe Self-Correcting Reading Cards (black/white)
6- Differentiated Printables for demonstrating student understanding.
If you are interested in other self-correcting activities like the one here, you can find them by clicking the link below:
I Can Do It Myself-Blends
I Can Do It Myself-Digraphs
I Can Do It Myself-Segmenting
And even more Self-Correcting Card Activities including Math:
Self-Correcting Activities From A Differentiated Kindergarten
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