I Spy Gingie’s Numbers: Differentiated and Aligned
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This activity meets Common Core State Standard:
K.CC.2 Count forward beginning from a given number within the known sequence
K.CC.3 Write numbers from 0-20. Represent a number of objects with a written numeral 0-20 (with 0 representing a count of no objects.
K.OA.A.5: Fluently add and subtract to five.

This unit is differentiated to meet the readiness levels of your various learners. You can be certain to engage all your students without frustrating students still mastering the skill or boring those students who are ready to be challenged a bit more.
In this unit, students use magnifying glasses to find 15 random numbers 0-20. For each skill listed below, you get an I-Spy, a colored and black/white response sheet and an “I Can . . .” poster to help make your station independent.

Number recognition and representation to 20 on ten frames.
Counting on/what numbers come after
What numbers come before
What numbers come before and after
Adding to 5 fluently.

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