I Spy Santa Searching for Teens – Differentiated and Aligned
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Total Pages: 10 File Size: 8 MB


This product is aligned to the following Common Core Standards :

K.CC.A.2: Count forward from a given number.
K.CC.A.3: Write numbers from 0 to 20. Represent a number of objects with a written numeral.
K.NBT.A.1: Compose and decompose numbers from 11 to 19 into tens ones and some further ones.

I hope you enjoy this holiday freebie from A Differentiated Kindergarten. This I spy is available in both color and black/white! You get to choose! And another great thing . . . it’s differentiated so you can meet the readiness levels of all your students.
Teachers: You will find one colored and one black/white I-spy mat included in this packet. Use either depending on your printing needs. You may print and laminate the colored mat for repeated use or simply print a copy of the black/white mat for each of your students. The I-spy mat has 10 hidden teen (and the number 20) numbers on it. Students use magnifying glasses to ‘spy’ the numbers and then complete the response sheet that you provide. All response sheets are available in black and white only. If you prefer to have your students use dry erase markers for this activity, simply laminate the response sheet or slip it into a dry erase pocket. I encourage my students to mark the I-spy mat when they find a number so they know which ones they have already recorded. There are four different response sheets from which you can choose. Some of your students may still just be starting to master teen numbers. For those students, the representing the number in a ten frame or the before and after response sheets may be most appropriate. For students who need a bit more challenge, you can provide the decomposing sheet or adding 10 more.

If you enjoy this activity, I hope that you will check out my blog for other suggestions and activities for differentiating instruction in your own classroom. A Differentiated Kindergarten

Or check out the other items in my store.
Differentiated Holiday Freebies and Activities
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