Read-Park-Write: Differentiated Self-Correcting CCSS Letter/Sounds
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This differentiated, self-correcting letter sound recognition activity is tiered to meet the various readiness levels of your learners. It also allows to differentiate instruction in response to those learners in your class who have a great interest in cars.

It addresses Common Core State Standards:

RF.K.3.a Demonstrate basic knowledge of one-to-one letter sound correspondences by producing the primary or many of the most frequent sounds for each consonant.

This is a tiered activity. The first tier is represented by those cards with a green outline. With these cards, students demonstrate that they understand the beginning letter sound of each picture represented on the card. The second tier is represented by the cards outlined in blue. With these cards students who have mastered first sound identification will now identify the ending sound of each word. Students essentially complete the same task, but at a level that is appropriately challenging to their level of readiness.

Teachers: Copy off all materials and laminate. Cut apart the game cards and fold on the dotted line. Secure the flap with a paperclip or clothes pin. You may either utilize the cards included with this set or you can use real toy cars with letters printed on top for an even more engaging activity.

Students pick a card and place it at the top of their Read-Park-Write mat. They will either identify the beginning or ending sound of the picture shown by placing the matching letter car on the parking spot and writing the letter on the gray line in the bottom box. Once completed, they remove the clothes pin to see if their answer is correct. When they are done, they replace the clothes pin and choose another card.

If you would like to see more activities like these that use cars in for teaching, click on the link below:
Teaching With Cars

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