Time For Some Ocean Fun-Differentiated, Write the Room, Telling Time Fun
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This telling time activity is meant to get your students moving. It is especially appealing to your kinesthetic learners and is tiered to meet the various readiness levels of all your students. Print, cut and laminate the clock cards. Mount them with painters tape around your classroom. They are tiered and color coded based on the readiness of your student. Each tier contains 12 cards to keep your students busy. Students use the corresponding colored recording sheets to identify the time on the sea creature clock with the corresponding colored border. Blue borders represent time to the hour and half hour, aqua borders represent time to the hour, one half hour and quarter hour and red borders are for time to a five minute mark. Of course, if you prefer not to mount these around your room, you could simply place them in a seasonal bucket and have students draw a card and record what they find. I also like to extend this activity by having the students make the time on an individual ‘Judy’ clock when they have recorded all their answers.


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