Differentiated and Aligned Visual Station Plans and some freebies for St. Pat’s Day
Ahh…. visual plans. I have a love hate relationship with them. I love how easy they make life. Everything I do is here, aligned with differentiating laid out. My administrator LOVES them. It also makes it easy to know what activity by looking. I admit, I’m terrible with names and I can look back at lesson plans from years back and think . . .’what does that mean? or what activity is called that?’ This way, I can look and know immediately.
But…it’s a TON of work. In the past I pretty much have completed these for my Math Stations but I’m slowing completing them for Daily 6 (my version of Daily 5) and Learning Centers. This week I have my Daily 6 and Math Stations for you to look over if you’re interested.
My Daily 6 Stations change every week. These stations meet Monday through Thursday. While in a traditional Daily 5 station, students go to each station everyday, my schedule would only allow for students to be at 5 stations for 10 minutes. That just wouldn’t give me the extended reading, learning and practice that I wanted with my literacy stations. So instead my Daily 6 schedule has students visiting 3 stations each day and then the next three stations the next day. I love this system. It gives me lots of time to do mutliple activities with students I meet with and my kinders are getting time to really explore materials and books rather than rushing through.
St. Patricks is coming up so I have some fun stuff included and some freebies so take a gander.
Just as a note…’choice work’ is for those students that are able to complete independent word work activities and might have some extra time.
If you’d like a copy of this station plan or want to find out anything more about the activities I’m using, please click on the plan itself. It will take you to a PDF with some links back to the products. There are several freebies in there as well so make sure you grab them up. I also created a little extra something something to the Lucky Clover Write the Room so make sure you take a look. Now you can extend this activity even further by finishing the sentence. Let me know what you think.
Math stations are set for the next three weeks. Yep, that’s what I said three weeks. My kinders rotate through these twice and by the time it’s all said and done, with my schedule it takes about 3 weeks. That means that I don’t have to worry about them again until after spring break. Yippee!
I have other math activities that I’ll include in their learning centers (that’s like their exploratory learning time when they have more choices but still differentiated) but these are my math stations.
You’ll notice on station 2 I have a couple of extra activities for math and addition. Some of my kids are mastering addition and subtraction quite easily and I wanted to challenge them a bit more with a write the room that didn’t include pictures to count but rather just a number line to figure out the answer. This should give them the little extra challenge they need. Make sure you click on the plans so get the PDF to take you to the links. Station number 8 includes a freebie.
I had to whip together a couple of new things for math. I’m especially excited for Crazy Rabbits Love I-Spy Addition and Subtraction. These are the cutest graphics and I was able to do them in color AND black and white.
Included new in the Math Stations Galore I also have a Place Value Game
and a number decomposing activity I’m excited to introduce to my kinders.
The entire unit includes 10 different stations to pick and choose from so you can meet all your students’ needs.
It has so many pages I couldn’t fit everything on one page of the preview!
Ok. I need to get all this stuff organized and put away in station tubs so its off to work for me.If you would like to see more visual plans, I’m linking up with Deedee at Mrs. Wills Kindergarten. So click on the Link below to see other great plans.
With nearly 20 years of experience as a full-time kindergarten teacher, I’m committed to creating a classroom where learning is joyful, engaging, challenging, and fun. Each day, I work to ensure that my students feel successful through instruction that considers their unique interests, learning profiles, and readiness levels. I believe that students should be excited to come to class and enjoy a myriad of hands-on activities that encourage exploration and discovery.
While I continue to teach full-time, I find so much joy in connecting and building friendships with teachers worldwide. It’s why I started this blog back in 2012. My hope has become a reality as I have been able to forge relationships with teachers, sharing ideas and building friendships beyond my little neck of the woods through professional development sessions and this blog.
So by all means, take some time to look around and explore A Differentiated Kindergarten. Gather some new ideas, fun tips, and most importantly, don’t forget to reach out and say, ‘Hi!’
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