Ginger Math Stations, A Freebie, A Guest Post, Bundles and SHOPPING-EEE GADS!!!
Ok, I have a lot to cover so stay with me and forgive me in advance if this seems entirely too disconnected. First of all, if you need to get your ‘things’ for the big sale early, my sale is starting today. You can check out my sales by clicking HERE. Of course, it’s a better deal to wait until Monday, but I know alot of you wanted to get a jump start on those specific things you need for next week. So go ahead!
Secondly, please head on over to PreK and K Sharing and check out my guest post for today. I’m trying a new approach. I’m on a quest to establish some good habits of ‘kindness’ in my kinders and would love to hear what you think.
There’s a couple of freebies over there to get you started if you want to join me on my quest.
Next, there is the matter of Math Stations. I know, I know . . . the holiday weekend isn’t even over, but I have to get started on this and plan or I’m gonna be way behind. I have a pile of printed and laminated materials about 2 inches thick that need to be cut apart. Luckily there aren’t a ton a little pieces to cut up, but there’s enough. In any case, I was asked to get my plan for stations posted so I’m gonna go ahead and do it. I’ll have pictures of the kiddos doing them later but for those of you wanting the plan, here it is.
Just click on the picture and it will take you to a google document with all the hyperlinks if you’re interested.
Hold on to your hats. This is gonna be a quick rundown and it’s probably not gonna be pretty but I promise better pictures when my kinders start using them. I’d make the boys come out and play school but they are all tucked in their beds. So crummy pictures will have to do. Sorry.
This self-correcting activity includes two tiers for addition to 5 and 10.
Seven Stations Included In This One Packet
Also included in this pack (Sweet Ginger Math Stations Galore) are stations:
3. Gingerbread Spin and Color–This activity is a ten frames number recognition activity with a tier for numbers 0-10 and 10-20.
4. Roll Say Keep 2D and 3D Shapes–This game is a spin off of the traditional roll-say-keep, but with a few twists and turns.Print and laminate the roll-say-keep mat along with all the gingerbread shape cards and ‘special’ cards that go along with it.
5. Give Me Your Sweets–For this game, students can use either ten frame numbers or numerals or both.Only use what is appropriate for the readiness of your students.Cards are divided between two students.Without looking at their cards,each student places a card on their space.Once cards are placed, use the spinner (place a transparent spinner or make one with a brad and paperclip) to determine if the bigger or smaller number gets to say ‘give me your sweets!”
7. Ginger Order-Self-Correcting Ordinal Number Practice–There are two different self-correcting ordinal number activities for numbers 1-10.
8. Bumping Around the Gingerbread House–There are three different tiered playing mats for this game.Numbers 1-10 (Tier 1), Numbers 1-15 (Tier 2) and Numbers 1-20 (Tier 3).
9. Catch the Gingerbread Man–Number recognition.Can be tiered for numbers up to 30.
So that’s the quick and dirty on planning for my next round of math stations.
Now on to Bundles! I’m seriously working my tail off this weekend. Some of you have asked me to bundle some items and I accomplished bundling another Early Learning I-Spy Bundle Too. So many of you liked the first set, I thought I would go bundle a second set.
It’s my hope that I’ll get a free minute to put a Sight Word Bundle for I-Spy as well. I’ll try!
And now onto shopping. . . Yes! I am STILL adding things to my cart. I’ve found such great stuff, I just HAVE to get it.
This is Krissy Miner’s Popcorn Word Bundle. You know how I love her and her products. I have pokey pin letters, shapes and numbers. I’m all in for anything with a pokey pin element. So excited to try this.
I want these Sight Word watches too from Annie Moffatt (I think she’s a long lost cousin). I think my kinders would love them.
I’m going to get Caitlin, from Kindergarten Smiles, All Wrapped Up pack for right before the holidays
And because my kinders love ‘The Old Lady . . .’ series, I’m picking up Mary’s, from Sharing Kindergarten:
I’d love to hear what’s in your cart. If you find something you can’t live without please drop me a line.
With nearly 20 years of experience as a full-time kindergarten teacher, I’m committed to creating a classroom where learning is joyful, engaging, challenging, and fun. Each day, I work to ensure that my students feel successful through instruction that considers their unique interests, learning profiles, and readiness levels. I believe that students should be excited to come to class and enjoy a myriad of hands-on activities that encourage exploration and discovery.
While I continue to teach full-time, I find so much joy in connecting and building friendships with teachers worldwide. It’s why I started this blog back in 2012. My hope has become a reality as I have been able to forge relationships with teachers, sharing ideas and building friendships beyond my little neck of the woods through professional development sessions and this blog.
So by all means, take some time to look around and explore A Differentiated Kindergarten. Gather some new ideas, fun tips, and most importantly, don’t forget to reach out and say, ‘Hi!’
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