Ball Words Sight Word Mastery System-EDITABLE Baseball Words
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Total Pages: 43 File Size: 13 MB PREVIEW


How can you make learning sight words fun and engaging? Introducing Ball Words! Ball words provide motivation for students to practice and master sight words. By placing ‘words’ on sports balls, sight word practice activities and games become fun and engaging. Using what we know about the Science of Reading, students will map words, read and play games as they master new words on each list.

Please Note: Baseball is the first of eleven ball word sets. These sets are all currently being updated to include all the same kinds of new games and mapping mats similarly seen in this first Baseball set. If you already own this product, download and collect all these new additions for FREE.

Why Ball Words:
►motivates students to learn sight words
►gives students mapping practice
►provides loads of fun activities and games to practice reading high-frequency words
►students take ownership of progress
►there are 11 levels for students to master
►it’s editable so you decide which words to include



Here’s What You’ll Find Inside:

This packet of Baseball activities includes step-by-step instructions on how to introduce words to your students

►20 Baseball shaped ball words (There is also a version where you can add hearts in case you teach ‘heart words.)
►Editable Mapping Word Mats and Cards (including a version to add hearts for classrooms that use ‘heart words’)

►10 interactive Baseball Word Games
►20 Fine Motor Play-doh Baseball Word Building Mats

►2 Printable Hidden Word Worksheets
►2 Printable Color By Code Worksheets
►Write the Room Activity With 2 Versions of Response Sheets
►Take home ball word list
►Baseball Word Poster
►Baseball Brag Tag
►Editable Parent Letter
►Parent Suggested Activities for Practicing At Home Sheet
►Ball Word Student Progress Recording Sheet

►’I Can . . .’ cards with picture and activity instructions to build independence for each station
What teachers are saying:

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “My kindergarteners loved using Ball Words. They were very motivated to get through each set and thought the certificates were the coolest thing ever! I aligned the sight words with our district curriculum. This resource allowed for easy differentiation and supported student independence. The included games were a big hit too!”


⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “I was struggling to get my students to learn their sight words each quarter. This resource was very engaging and provided students with a fun way to work sight words! I also love this resource because my students can use the materials independently while I work in small groups! I definitely recommend purchasing this.


⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this resource! Everything you need is all ready to print and go. My students were so motivated to earn their balls and post them on our bulletin board. They loved getting their certificates for mastering each level. Their favorite activity was using a magnifying glass to find the words hidden in the pictures. I laminated the sheets and they used a dry-erase marker and went back to this activity over and over.!”



Games and Activities included In This Set
1. Self-correcting Baseball Mapping Word Mats and Cards
2. Hey, Batter, Batter! Hide and Seek Game
3. You’re Out! Read and Keep Card Game
4. Baseball Memory
5. Strike! Card Game
6. Baseball Roll, Say, Keep
7. Baseball Bingo
8. Baseball Board Game
9. Baseball Yikes! Strike!
10. Baseball I-Spy
11. Baseball Dough Mats for Fine Motor
12. Baseball Hidden Words Printable Worksheet
13. Baseball Color by Code Printable Worksheets



►►►If you’d like to see a detailed account of how I introduce and implement Ball Words into my classroom instruction, what is included in each set, and the materials used, check out myBall Word Sight Words and Science of Reading HERE.


Important Teacher Instructions:

When you open this file, please first read the READ THIS FILE FIRST – BASEBALL file for important information.



If you’d like to save BIG, this product is part of a complete Ball Word Bundle. . You could save 20% off the individual price of each ball word set. Check out the bundle by clicking Ball Words Sight Word Mastery System Bundle.


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