I Spy: This I Spy addresses letters and sounds.
This activity addresses the following standards for kindergarten:
CC.RF.K.1.d Recognize and name all upper and lowercase letters of the alphabet.
CC.RF.K.3.a Demonstrate basic knowledge of letter-sound correspondences by producing the primary or most frequent sound for each consonant.
This differentiated activity is tiered to meet your students at their readiness levels. There are three different tiers to choose from depending on your students’ understanding of letters and their sounds. The first tier is for those students who are still working on recognizing lowercase and capital letter names. They will be searching for letters in the picture, circle whether the letter is lowercase or capital and then write the letter in the space provided. The second tier has students searching for letters and sorting them by capital and lowercase criteria. The third tier has students finding letters and matching them to the item that has a beginning sound in its name. Students will record the letter (capital or lowercase) that they find in the picture. After each activity is complete, students will need to read the letters to a friend or their teacher. There is an answer key provided for each level and an “I Can . . .” sheet for student ease of use.
Teachers Instruction: Copy and laminate each picture and “I Can . . .” sheet. For response sheets you may either laminate and use with a dry erase marker (my preferred method) or print off as many copies as you need. I hope you enjoy this activity and come check out my blog for more activities to help differentiate your classroom.
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