I Spy With My Farmers Eye-Differentiated CVC/CCVC for Common Core
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Total Pages: 35 File Size: 4 MB


Addresses Common Core Standards for Kindergarten and 1st Grade.
For Kindergarten:
RF.K.2.d-Isolate and pronounce the initial, medial vowel, and final sounds in three-phoneme (CVC) words.

For 1st Grade:
RF.1.2.c-Isolate and pronounce initial, medial vowel, and final sounds in spoken single-syllable words.

Your students will love using magnifying glasses to find word family words in this 35 paged differentiated I-Spy activity. It is tiered to meet the various readiness levels of your students. There are 10 different I-Spy pages and a corresponding recording sheet for each I-Spy. Five short vowel sound CVC I-Spy pictures are appropriate for those students just beginning to understand word families and blending sounds to make words. The second tier of 5 short vowel CCVC pictures is suited best for those students who are blending consonants and are more familiar with word families. Please make sure you pre-assess your students to know which tier will be appropriate for them.

Teachers: Please print out and laminate all pages. I prefer to laminate and use dry erase markers for my response sheets but there is a black and white version for those of you that prefer to make individual copies. There is an attached “I Can . . . ” sheet to help students be more independent with this activity.

I certainly hope you enjoy this activity. Please consider the other many differentiated activates available in my store or by following my blog.


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