Kindergarten Common Core Pacing Guide Checklist-Math (Editable)
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Within this packet you will find the Math Common Core Assessment Checklist packet which is used in my own classroom. Part of differentiated instruction is the need for on-going assessment to drive instruction. By using this checklist, I can easily determine students’ readiness levels and tier my instruction in response to their learning needs. I have paced out the year in four quarters to help me keep on task and make sure I cover all my Common Core areas. That paced version of the checklist is included here in color and black and white as well as a version that simply lays out all the standards by category (also in color and black and white). There is an editable powerpoint version of both, so you can use your insert text feature to add the names of your students AND NOW REVISED TO ALLOW YOU TO EDIT STANDARDS AS WELL. Or if you prefer, there is a pdf version as well. As you observe students master the standards, you can simply place a check next to their name or the date, whichever you prefer. At any given time, you will know exactly how a student or your class is pacing. You will note that in this math standard checklist, I include count to 100 in each quarter. It helps me show growth in my classroom and I added here to yours as well.
Don’t forget the ELA Companion piece:

ELA Pacing and Editable Checklist for Common Core

Fonts/Graphics Copyrighted by Dianne J. Hook License: 1212178427


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