Number Sense Fluency Game ( Counting, Recognition, Subitizing) – Valentine’s Day
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If you have trouble getting students excited about practicing number recognition and counting, this game is for you. Yatta uses FUN to build fluency while differentiating instruction to make students feel successful. Use this game for small group warm-up or in your independent math stations. Either way, your students are going to LOVE it.  …


If you have trouble getting students excited about practicing number recognition and counting, this game is for you. Yatta uses FUN to build fluency while differentiating instruction to make students feel successful. Use this game for small group warm-up or in your independent math stations. Either way, your students are going to LOVE it.
You can save 20% off the individual price of these games by purchasing the Year Long Yatta Bundle.
This game is perfectly differentiated for number recognition and fluency. If you’d like to learn more about this game, check out my blog post HERE.
What’s Yatta?
Yatta (pronounces Yacht-tah) is a highly engaging game that allows students to work on essential skill fluency while having fun.
What’s Included?
This activity will help your students with number fluency and counting objects. It’s subitizing at its best. There are three playing mats for differentiating.
  • Mat 1 covers numbers 1-5
  • Mat 2 covers numbers 0-10
  • Mat 3 covers numbers 11-20.
  • Each of these mats has color-coordinated playing cards that cover counting objects, ten frames, dice, and tally marks.
Choose a mat, based on the readiness of your students. Sit the mat in the middle of your playing space. Take the thematic number, ten frames, tally marks, dominoes, and/or dice cards and stack them face down in a centrally visible location. You can either have students take turns turning over the playing cards or have a card turner. When the card is turned over, students quickly count the number of objects on the card and then locate that number on the playing mat (there may be several of the same numbers on the mat). The first person to point to the correct number and say “Yatta” (pronounced yacht-ta), gets to keep the card. When all the cards have been played, students count up all their cards to see who has the most. That person gets to be the card turner next.
Please note that the border color of each set of cards will help keep games sorted and organized.
Teacher Tip: Your game will last for years if you print on cardstock and laminate before cutting the pieces out.


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