A little $250 pick me up giveaway and sale!

I don’t know about you, but this back to school season has wiped me OUT!  But I’m still standing!  And so are you!

So to celebrate the successful survival of the Back To School season, some of my best blogging girlfriends and I though, by golly, our readers deserve a ‘little pick me up!’  Can I get a witness.  Of course, I can.  You know you need it and we know it too, so to help you out, we are giving away a $250 Amazon gift card.  That’s right! One of you lucky readers will be getting a SERIOUS little pick me up when you win this!

Below are the hosts of the giveaway! Recognize all of those teacher friends? That’s me (I’m always the only red-head!), Maria (the author of Kinder-Craze), Lyndsey from A Year Of Many Firsts, Annie (the author of The Moffatt Girls), and Lori (the author of Teaching with Love and Laughter).

Giveaway Hosts

This giveaway will be a FAST and FUN one so you be sure to enter right away! The giveaway ends on 9/30 at 11:59PM! You can enter by following the steps on the Rafflecopter below! A winner will be announced later on this week.


a Rafflecopter giveaway

But, wait! There’s MORE!!!  We know Amazon is the best, but we thought you might also appreciate a TPT SALE, too! I’m having a 20% OFF SALE today and tomorrow (September 29 and 30) over at my TPT shop. Be sure to stop over to MY STORE  to snatch up lots of great steals. Just click on the link below to head there!


Marsha Moffit McGuire

Short little bio goes here. Short, sweet, and lets visitors know about your experience, expertise, etc.