Daily 5: Chapter 6 Word Work Guiding Questions.

I know it seems like forever since I’ve posted something but I really have a TON of great excuses . . .but I’m back and ready to get back at D5 for Kinders.  This week we are working on Chapter 6: Writing and Word Work.

Crystal from Kreative in Kinder has posted her guiding questions for this chapter so it’s time to get to work. Here’s what she has for us:
I think the things you can think about while reading this part of Ch 6 is…
Word Work allows time for:
1.Experimenting with words for learning and practicing a spelling pattern (brainstorm a list of ways you can do this)
2. memorize high frequency words (How often do you introduce new words? Do your students have their own lists of words that they can work on? How will you keep track of words that they already know)

3. Generalize spelling patterns (brainstorm a list of ways you can do this)

4. Adding to our knowledge and curiosity of unique and interesting words. (What is the best way to do this?)

Other things to think about:
What materials do I already have?

What materials would I like to get?

How will I store them?

Where will students work?
Lots of great things to think about.  I’ll be back on Wednesday to let you know what I’ve come up with.

Marsha Moffit McGuire

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