This is an entirely impromtu celebration. It wasn’t planned or well thought out, but I just happened to have had two things GREAT happen at the same time.
The first thing was . . . I now have 600 followers and the second thing was . . . Deedee Wills has given me the opportunity to give all of you the chance to win her amazing Complete Writing Stations Sets. It’s a $32 value if you purchase today in her store, but you can win it here.
That’s writing stations that will cover you for the ENTIRE year. You really need to check these out if you haven’t already. She JUST put them on sale in her TpT store.
In addition, I’m going to give away 10 items of your choice from my own TpT store.
It’s pretty easy. Just enter which ever ways you like below. The giveaway will only be going on until July 4 at 12:01am so you need to enter now. When I say a FLASH giveaway I mean ‘FLASH.’
So that’s it. It’s quick, it’s easy, it’s a flash giveaway just because I’m feelin a little bit celebratory.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
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Marsha Moffit McGuire
Short little bio goes here. Short, sweet, and lets visitors know about your experience, expertise, etc.
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