
How To Make Leprechaun Feet . . . because you asked for it!


I am truly amazed that these little green feet has caused such a hullabaloo on my blog site.   Who would have guessed that not everyone was raised with the craze of leprechauns and all the mischief they bring about.  But I had a ton of questions and requests after my first leprechaun post and so I thought I would follow up with a ‘how to do it.’  (If you’d like to check out that original post, just click on the picture below.)


Well because so many of you have asked, here it is.  This is the quick and dirty tutorial of how I make my leprechaun feet.  Please understand, I am completely doing this on  the sly.  My two oldest Irish lads are away at CCD class (yes they are 8 and 5 and still believe in leprechauns)  and my baby (ok, he’s 4 but he’ll always be my baby) is being distracted as I sneak some green paint and a brush and my iPhone (the worse thing for pictures by the way) to get you the play by play.  So forgive my lack of picture quality. It’s not easy taking pictures with one hand while painting with another.
First get yourself from green paint and a brush.  I like to use tempera and add a little bit of dish soap to make clean up easier.
You’re going to want to use this side of your fist.  The side where your pink is located.  This will be the side you paint and will make the base of your footprint.
Paint the entire side of your fist.
Press your fist onto the surface where you want the print to lay.
Think about your toe placement.  Your toes should get progressively smaller.
I find that my pinky works best for making toe prints. Dip your pinky in some paint.
Make your toe prints.
Remember leprechauns only have 5 toes.
And there you have it.  You’ll need to use your other hand to make the matching foot of course.  I like to make a bunch of rights and then go back and make the lefts to match.  It’s easier than switching back and forth.
I’d love to see some pictures of your little own little leprechaun feet so make sure to let me know how they turned out.
For more ideas for St. Patrick’s Day Fun in your classroom or home, click on the pictures below to see my other posts with tips and tricks.
Erin go Bragh
Ireland Forever

Marsha Moffit McGuire

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