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Daubers or Fingerprints

Personally, I don’t mind messy fingers. It’s not something that bothers me at all as a teacher and it didn’t bother me as a mom with my boys. As long as kids are engaged and learning, let them be messy. But I know I may not be the majority and when it comes to fingerprint activities, I may have an alternative that will make everyone happy. And so, let the great debate begin . . . messy fingerprints or tidy daubers . . . which teacher are you?

Fingerprint Activities In The Classroom

Of course, fingerprint art and crafts are all over Pinterest and amazing fun for kids, but what I’m talking about is incorporating those cute little fingerprint crafts into some essential skill practice like the one below. (This one is part of my Morning Work Stations for Summer!)

It’s great fun to be able to incorporate a little art into math and my students adore the opportunity to create their own story problems with nothing more than a stamp pad, a pencil and a little imagination.

But I also get that some kids and teachers are not necessarily fond of getting messy. So I found an amazing alternative . . . are you ready . . . finger daubers!!!

These sweet little daubers fit over your finger so you can still have all the fun of getting creative without the messs.

They’re perfect! And because I want you to have some creative fun in your own classroom, with daubers or without, I am gifting you all a little freebie so your students can make their own Buggy Equations.

Here’s everything you’ll need (minus the daubers if you want to live dangerously and use fingers).

Just click below to get your freebie!

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So what will it be . . . fingerprints . . . or daubers?

If you’d like to see more hands-on activities like this, check out all my Morning Work Stations! Just click the button below to check out them all.

Marsha Moffit McGuire

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