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Zip Lovin’ Next Step

Zip Lovin’ Next Step?  Yeah, I know, I have too many things going on at one time, and they’re all kind of random.  So, that’s the best title I could come up with at the moment.
I’m just finishing the second week of my summer vacation, and I’ve been so busy I feel like it hasn’t even started yet.  I’m trying to ‘take care of business,’ but honestly, fun just keeps getting in the way.  I LOVE when that happens.
As crazy busy as my boys keep me, I have to say, the little apples don’t fall far from their Grand Daddy Tree.  Just to illustrate, this was what was on last night’s agenda of events.  Yes, that’s my 79 year old father-in-law zipping along on the zip line that he built for him and his 78 year young bride.   I HAVE to get a video for you all to see of this thing.  It’s so long and runs right into the their woods.
 The boys LOVE LOVE LOVE it (I try not to watch or I just hold my breath or both).  But it is exhausting as my little one will attest.
So these are the kind of distractions I’m dealing with on a daily basis, so forgive me if today’s post is a bit scattered….
Now onto the business of blogging.  Ok, I have come to the sad conclusion that Google Reader and Google Friends Connect is going to go away.  In fact, they say that come July 1st you will no longer be able to get all the latest updates from the blogs you follow on your Google Reader.  But there is a solution…Blog Lovin!
It’s really an easy fix.  You can head on over to the Blog Lovin’ site, sign up, and all your blogs that are Blog Lovin’ ready will import right in.
And do me a favor, if you have followed me on Google Friends Connect, yes all 1510 of you, please make sure you follow me on Blog Lovin’.  I feel like you all are familiy.  I have worked so hard to meet you these last 16 months, I just hate the idea of losing touch.
So follow me on blog lovin’  Yep, just click on that little ‘follow me button’ at the top right hand corner of my blog or below, and you’ll still be in the know for all the great freebies and giveaways I have planned for the summer.
And if you’re a blogger and need to get yourself signed up with Blog Lovin’ you can go check out my pal Maggie’sTutorial on How-To over at Maggie’s Kinder Corner to get your blog switched over and ready.  It’s easy as pie.  Trust me.  It was the only way I could figure it out.
Ok and on to other things….The Next Step’s Chapter 2 guiding questions are posted on Freebielicious.  I’m working on my post for Thursday so make sure you have you’re up on your reading.

Marsha Moffit McGuire

Short little bio goes here. Short, sweet, and lets visitors know about your experience, expertise, etc.