Back To School With Guess Who? Mary from Sharing Kindergarten
I know that you will love today’s guest blogger, Mary, from Sharing Kindergarten. She is one of the nicest bloggers you’ll ever meet. REALLY! And she is so incredibly open about everything she does in her class. You just have to visit her blog and make sure you let her take you on a tour of her classroom when you’re done here. You’ll absolutely love it.
I am so excited about guest posting today for Marsha. I hope I can live up!
I don’t know why… but I am ALL about food ideas right now. I love using food with my students to help them learn, make a lesson memorable, or just to have some yummy fun!
Ready to hungry… hungry to LEARN…
Using a bag of Twizzlers Bites to create number sets in ten frames. You could also use math counters or manipulative, but someone using food makes it a little more fun!
One of my classroom activities for the letter Ll is using Twizzlers Pull and Peel Licorice to create L’s. You could also create any letter, number, shape, or even word!
I use paper plates for letters and simple words or here is a copy of the simple (almost embarrassing simple) shape sheet my students are using, but a little updated for you guys.
Mary Amoson is a teacher, mother, and an educational blogger. She believes that learning should be fun and natural, and is most often playing games with her students as they discover learning. She is so passionate about her dream job in education and her incredible students and families that she wants to share it all with you. Visit her at or at her Teachers Pay Teachers site at where she has 10 free activities ready for you to download and enjoy.
With nearly 20 years of experience as a full-time kindergarten teacher, I’m committed to creating a classroom where learning is joyful, engaging, challenging, and fun. Each day, I work to ensure that my students feel successful through instruction that considers their unique interests, learning profiles, and readiness levels. I believe that students should be excited to come to class and enjoy a myriad of hands-on activities that encourage exploration and discovery.
While I continue to teach full-time, I find so much joy in connecting and building friendships with teachers worldwide. It’s why I started this blog back in 2012. My hope has become a reality as I have been able to forge relationships with teachers, sharing ideas and building friendships beyond my little neck of the woods through professional development sessions and this blog.
So by all means, take some time to look around and explore A Differentiated Kindergarten. Gather some new ideas, fun tips, and most importantly, don’t forget to reach out and say, ‘Hi!’
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