Daily 5 BABY!!!!
That’s right. It’s all kindergarten and all Daily 5 and it’s coming to you at the end the month by means of a book study. I have been reading and studying up on Daily 5 with my kindergarten neighbor, Kerri, for the last year. But you know, kindergarten is just such a different beast. So when there started to be talk about a book study for D5, I knew that I wanted in on it, but I also knew that kindergarten held some special challenges that we might not find in other grades. Luckily, my pal Tammy over at Live Love Laugh in Kindergarten also knew it.
She’s the hostess with the mostess for this kindergarten ONLY Daily 5 book study ready to take place at the end of the month, and our go-to gal. So step on over and check out what she has in store. She has all the details that you’re gonna want to write down.
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Marsha Moffit McGuire
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