
Differentiated Kindergarten Loves TpT and a Giveaway.

I have something to say and something to give away!  
The ladies of Freebielicious and I LOVE TpT.  For so many reasons, but personally,  my relationship with TpT has not only given me the opportunity to meet some AMAZING teachers like you all, but it has also given me access to some of the best products available in an instance for my students. 

When I need something quick and don’t have the time to make it or would rather spend time with my own children rather than creating something, I can just jump online and find  exactly the thing I need.  Like Jennifer, from First Grade Blue Sky’s sweet snowman craft.  

TpT also has great products to supplement the activities and themes I have planned in my class.  Activities like Maria from Kinder-Craze’s Sight Word Interactive Readers are perfect for when we study the Olympics this week.  

So because I love it so much, I want to share some of my love for TpT with you by giving away a TpT gift certificate.  But guess what?  All the ladies from Freebielicious love TpT, so we are ALL giving away gift certificates to TpT AND, because I think TpT kind of likes us Freebielicious girls too, they are going to give away:
 TWO $25 gift certificates 
ONE $50 dollar gift certificate 
on Freebielicious’ Blog.
Ok so here is what you are going to want to do: 
  • enter my giveaway below
  • hop to my good bud and Freebielicious pal Tara’s blog to enters her  give away
  • keep hopping hopping hopping until you have entered all the girls giveaways
  • and finally make sure you follow the hop through to   Freebielicious’ Blog site and you’ll be able to enter for the 3 big prizes there
Ok, now get your hopping shoes on and start entering. You only have until Monday at midnight.
Done entering?  Click on Tara’s button below to hop and enter the next giveaway.

Don’t ya just love TpT?  I know I do.

Marsha Moffit McGuire

Short little bio goes here. Short, sweet, and lets visitors know about your experience, expertise, etc.