Good bye ugly chair…hello cute chair…now to find time to sit in it.

I’m jumping on the band wagon . . . the ‘my chair which I seldom set in is ugly so I want a new one but really don’t want to spend any money on one’ band wagon that is.

And the hardest working kindergarten teacher ever, Deedee Wills from Mrs. Wills Kindergarten, did hers . . .

So today on my project list was…re-do that ugly old chair in the basement so you can use it at school.
Here’s what I had to start with…
it was nasty and ugly and pitted.  In other words, it was the perfect candidate for a make-over.
All I needed to do was tear it apart and acquire the right tools for the job.A screw driver, a staple gun and some cute fabric.
This fabric just happens to be left over from when I covered my crates a couple of years ago.  PERFECT and FREE.
A few staples later . . .
I’m excited to have a new chair to use if I ever get the chance to set down.  I figure maybe by February!
What do you think?

Marsha Moffit McGuire

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