What can I REALLY save? You’d be delighted!

It’s a SALE!  I know you’re all wondering.  “Yea, it’s a sale, but how much can I REALLY save by shopping at TpT’sCyber Monday (and Tuesday) Sale?  Well, I’m hear to tell you, you can save a TON!
Let me break it down for you a bit shall I? Ok so check out this example. (You can click on any of the pictures below to find out more by the way.)
You know about my sensory bundle right?  Each packet has well over 100 pages.  There will eventually be 10 packets in this growing bundle as I add a packet for each month.  Right now, you can get it for $50.  Now consider what the price will be during the sale . . . a $64.00 savings!!!  That’s a great deal friends.
And I’ve put together a couple of more bundle savings that might be interesting to you.
Math Stations Anyone?
And I know you’ve maybe been eyeing those word family bundles  . . .
or maybe Ball Words
or perhaps you just want to try out the latest spinner
or No-Fuss, No-Muss Math packet.
These are NOT just some ho-hum savings.  These will really knock your socks off.  I wouldn’t kid you about a thing like this.  There’s no . . . ‘get here by 4am’ . . . ‘no lines’ . . . ‘no fist fights over limited quantities.’  Just sit back and enjoy the shopping from the comfort of your couch, office, bed . . . or where ever.  But for goodness sakes, get comfortable and DON’T forget the code: TPTCYBER to get your extra savings.
(Just click on the picture above to head to my store.)
I’m off to fill my own cart . . . or two.  Happy Cyber Shopping friends.

Marsha Moffit McGuire

Short little bio goes here. Short, sweet, and lets visitors know about your experience, expertise, etc.