What’s in your sand table and . . .A FREEBIE!
I often wonder if I’m the only kindergarten classroom left that still has a housekeeping/dramatic play center AND a sand table. The Early Childhood teacher in me just knows that my students still need that sense of play and fun. So, of course, I spent the better part of yesterday dying rice in prepartion for a favorite game of ‘Searching for Leprechaun’s Gold.’
First of all, I assume you all know how to dye rice and macaroni but in case you don’t, let me just tell you, it IS the easiest thing ever and make HUGE brownie points with the kids.
What do you need? A good ziploc bag, a 1/4-1/2 cup rubbing alcohol, rice (or noodles) and several drops of food coloring. That’s it!
Pour your bag about 2/3 full of rice or noodles, dump in the alcohol and then the dye. Close up the bag good and tight. Mush it around (this is my 4 year old’s job). And then I like to let it set for 1/2 hour or so to really get the rice covered with dye. Lay out some tin foil and dump it all on there to dry. And that is it! Most of you probably already know this technique but for those of you that don’t, you won’t believe how easy it is.
Searching for nonsense and real gold! |
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Marsha Moffit McGuire
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