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Valentine’s Day Craft and Banner

It’s been a minute you guys. I’m so sorry. If you are like me, then you are feeling the pressure of teaching during a pandemic. I don’t care if you’re virtual, hybrid, or face-to-face, teaching, no matter what it looks like this year, is a roller coaster of emotions and anxiety and the extra work has gotten this teacher BEHIND!!! But it’s time to kick it into gear and set the stage for one of my favorite holidays with this fun Valentine’s Printable Banner and Robots in Love Craft.

I had to first come up with a little crafty something-something that would give our very white hallway a pop of color. Once again, Astrobrights papers came through with the BRIGHTS!!!


I never really have a template or plan for when I do these things. It’s always kind of what comes to me in the moment. I try to stick to basic shapes that I can reinforce with my students, and from there, it’s basically just lots of cutting and following directions. I’m never quite sure how they will end up, but I think this batch of lovely robots was kind of cute!

Of course, I have a template that you can easily print off on colored cardstock or use as a template to trace onto construction paper. It’s pretty easy-peasy for little ones to follow and gives them LOTS of cutting practice.


After that, it’s a simple print-and-cut banner and you have yourself an adorable craft for Valentine’s Day that doubles as a bulletin board display.

If you’d like to grab this craft and banner for yourself, you can click HERE or on any pictures on this post to take you to it.


If you scratching your head for some ideas for Valentine’s activities and resources, make sure you check out my Stress-Free Valentine’s Day ideas (There are some ideas you can even adjust for Covid-friendly celebrations.)

(just click any of the pictures to find out more)

and favorite Valentine’s Day resources like the February Editable Color By Sight Word set

or Editable Color by Letter pages.

You should really check out my February Morning Work Stations.

Our my latest Color By Sight Words and Sentence Fun Printables:

You can see all my other Valentine’s resources by clicking here or on the banner below.

Marsha Moffit McGuire

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