Hands-On, Fine Motor Number Car Mats
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Your students will love these HANDS-ON, FINE MOTOR Number Mats for CARS!!

Recognizing numbers, learning their formation, and making a connection between numbers and quantities are all essential skills for kindergarten. But teaching young students about numbers does not have to be boring. By offering various tools and objects to create meaningful instruction, students will remain focused and engaged in learning. Anytime students can work with cars, it’s definitely a favorite station. My students love having the choice to use materials that they enjoy and I like that they are working independently, building fine motor skills, visual perception and letter recognition and formation.

Included in this set:

•Numbers Mats 1-10 with parking lot tens frame, trace and write (use small cars with these mats)

•Numbers 11-20 with parking lot ten frames (use small cars with these mats)

•Number Mats 1-10 with tens frame, trace and write. (use your choice of manipulatives with these mats . . . erasers, buttons, old Lego tires, small keys . . . Get creative!)

•Number Mats 11-20 with tens frames, trace and write. (Use your choice of manipulatives with these ten frames . . . Erasers, buttons, small tires or keys.)

•Number Mats 1-10 with starting dot, parking lot ten frames, trace (using corresponding starting point font) and write.

•Number Mats 11-20 with starting dot and parking lot ten frames.

•Number Mats 1-10 with staring dot with ten frames (Use your choice of manipulatives with these ten frames . . . Eraser, buttons, small tires or keys.), trace (using corresponding starting point font, and write.

•Number Mats 11-20 with starting point dot and ten frames (Use your choice of manipulatives with these ten frames), trace (with corresponding starting point font, and write.

Teacher instructions: Choose to print and then laminate the mats of your choice. Students will use small cars to trace the number. Then trace the number on the mat and try to write it on your own. Now drive the same number of vehicles onto the parking lot ten frames. If you’re using the mats with regular ten frames, students will drive their car along the highway, then trace and write the number with a dry erase marker and finally make the number by moving small items of your choosing (erasers, buttons, toy car tires, cars or small keys, etc) onto the ten frame mat.

Tips: For students who have mastered very few numbers so far, only place those number and the numbers you are currently working on in this center. Too many numbers can be overwhelming. As they master more numbers, you can increase the number of mats included and use these to reinforce number identification and formation

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